The 6 inch wheeled Swegway is smaller, lighter and better suited to indoor use than the 8 inch Swegway board. However, the 8 inch board is far superior at riding over difficult terrains like cobble stone or high grass as the solid rubber tyres are more durable and have overall better grip. This guide discusses the specific differences between the two Swegways and which one you should choose based on your needs.

The image below shows a comparison of the 6 inch and 8 inch boards side by side.

The 6 Inch Swegway: Great for indoor use and light outdoor use

The 6 inch Swegway, often called a Hoverboard or Swegboard in the UK, has hard tyres that measure inches in diameter. These tyres are great at riding over smooth indoor surfaces and allow for tight turns and pivots on the spot. This is well suited to drivers looking to perform tricks and spins as the light board is easier to manoeuvre. The tyres will drive across grass but the board will not be able to reach its maximum speed on rough surfaces and you can feel bumps as you drive over them. The battery life on 6 inch boards is generally good – you can expect to drive for between 4 and 6 hours on a single charge and travel around 15 km. Weighing in at 10kg these boards offer a solid and sturdy ride – but if you plan on carrying your Swegway for extended periods of time we recommend purchasing a carry case. The maximum weight limit for drivers using the board is 120kg, or 17 stone. The 7 inch boards tend to be a little cheaper than their larger counterparts too. Check out our best deals for 6 inch boards here.

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The 8 inch Swegway: Best for both outdoors and indoors

As shown in the comparison pictures above, the 8 inch Swegway is bigger and the large wheels have solid rubber tyres. These tyres are equally comfortable driving around indoors as outdoors and you can glide across grass and un-even surfaces with ease. Minor bumps are barely noticeable as the larger wheels allow for a smoother ride and greater control. If you plan on riding your Swegway outside, for example in the park, then the 8 inch board is recommended. For larger riders the 8 inch offers a much more comfortable driving experience. You can travel a little faster on larger boards too, due to better handling and control. However, the battery life isn't as efficient as the 6 inch. The battery drains faster because these boards are larger, can travel faster and have Bluetooth functions. This board is noticeably heavier too, weighing in at around 13 kg, so if you need a board that's handy to carry around with you then you should consider the smaller option. These boards are a little more expensive too. Check the current offers for for our 8 inch Swegway boards here.

8 inch Swegway Summary