You may have seen in the news that a new phenomenon known as the Swegway has hit our shores – and taken the high street by storm. Mentioned by many as the hottest buy this year, this fantastic mode of transport has made appearances in music videos plenty – alongside YouTube videos of many of the world’s most famous celebrities trying tricks or simply enjoying the ride. If you’ve kept your ear to the ground about Swegways however, you’ll also have noticed that there are increasing numbers of news items about the dangers of purchasing a inferior quality version of these pretty fantastic gadgets, which have led to some pretty serious injuries, alongside some house fires that have cost unsuspecting buyers more than just money.

Buying cheap can cost you dearly

Buying cheap is a temptation few people can ignore, but when it comes to putting yourself, your loved ones, and your home at risk by saving just a few pounds, it’s just not worth it. With that in mind, and to put your mind at east when purchasing from, we discuss the importance of finding a good manufacturer if you’re planning on treating yourself or surprising a loved one with one of these coveted Swegways, and what to look for to make sure you’re getting a Swegway you can truly enjoy using.

Check the Price

If it sounds too good to be true, it probably is – but that doesn’t mean you can’t find a decent deal on a quality product. If your Swegway is coming in at around £100-£200, then the likelihood is it’ll be lacking in quality, but there are valid deals on our site for around £300, and as long as you check out what the company offers in terms of quality control checks and manuals, you should be able to buy with confidence, as you can with

Check the Box

Quality manufacturers will take the time and effort to include information and trusted sellers such as use branded boards such as 2 wheel balance board, Smart Balance Board or Smart Board.

Check the Charger

One of the most recent findings by those experiencing problems with their boards is with the chargers, and this is what many of the fires/”explosions” have been linked to. Finding a Swegway that comes with a charger that’s BSI 1363 CE Approved, adhering to UK safety standards is a good sign that you’re purchasing a safe, and quality product. Here at, we only supply quality control checked boards with chargers that adhere to these standards.

Is there a manual?

Please view our online manual here

In addition to this, it’s essential you know how to correctly use your Swegway. When you purchase from, you’re able to download a manual telling you all about your board, from safety information on what to do/not to do on your Swegway, to how to connect it to your Bluetooth device and how to calibrate it correctly.

The bottom line

Whilst it’s tempting to save a bit of money when purchasing a Swegway, the long term costs associated with buying an inferior quality product are clear, so know what you’re looking for, and purchase from a supplier that has your best interests at heart as we do at - ensuring you’re able to enjoy your Swegway with confidence.